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Verruca-Freeze® Replacement Canister, 95ml


Verruca-Freeze® is a hand held aerosol canister that contains a proprietary, highly optimized formulation of refrigerated gases that medical professionals can use for cryosurgery and cryotherapy in an outpatient setting to freeze a lesion down to -70 deg C. Verruca-Freeze® is a convenient and cost effective alternative to traditional liquid nitrogen methods as it is designed for hand held use and completely portable. Verruca-Freeze® offers the largest range of product sizes at the lowest cost per freeze of any portable cryosurgical system on the market. There are two methods of application to treat lesions: CryoCones® are placed over the lesion, creating a seal and the cryogen is sprayed directly onto the lesion. CryoBuds® are used like a swab, by first saturating the CryoBud® then placing onto the lesion. A 3 to 6 s spray, freezing for 20 to 40 s, makes it a quick, self-anesthetizing and easy procedure.


    Cryosurgery, Inc.

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