BD Safety-LokTM Blood Collection & Inf Set w/Luer Adapter, 21g x ¾", 12" Tubing

BD Safety-Lok™ Blood Collection & Inf Set w/Luer Adapter, 21g x ¾", 12" Tubing


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The BD Vacutainer® Safety-Lok™ blood collection set is simple, easy-to-use and safety engineered. The safety mechanism can be activated immediately after the blood draw and helps protect against needle stick injury. It is also offered with a pre-attached holder to add convenience and help ensure OSHA single use holder compliance.

  • Following venipuncture, a yellow transparent shield is moved over the exposed needle and locked into protective position, creating a barrier between the healthcare professional and the used needle

Manufacturer: Becton Dickinson

Manufacturer Number: 367281

Package Description: BOX, 50 PER BOX, 4 BOXES PER CASE

Package Description: A4770

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