3MTM Steri-DrapeTM TUR/Urological Drape, 64" Sterile

3M™ Steri-Drape™ TUR/Urological Drape, 64" Sterile


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The 3M™ Steri-Drape™ TUR/urological drape, 1081 is absorbent throughout the entire drape and is resistant to strikethrough
. The 64 in drape features absorbent prevention fabric, abdominal adhesive aperture, elastic aperture, neoprene finger cot, fluid collection pouch with filter and exit port as well as a 60 in arm extension and 2 in aperture.

  • Absorbent throughout entire drape
  • Resistant to strike through

Manufacturer: 3M Healthcare

Manufacturer Number: 1081

Package Description: 14/BX, 2BX/CS

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