National Nurses Week!

National Nurses Week!

Apr 23rd 2021
National Nurses Week is Coming Up!

May 6-12, 2021

Honoring the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale, National Nurses Week is a fabulous time to celebrate the nurses in your office or partners’ offices! Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was a revolutionary in her time, known as the founder of modern nursing whose focus on sanitary conditions changed quality of care for decades.

Nurses have put in many selfless hours during the COVID epidemic. Their knowledge of patient needs combined with experience in consulting with physicians makes them a key part of everyone’s healthcare in this dynamic environment.

Here are some fun ideas to honor your nurses for National Nurses Week:

-Honor nurses with an in-office recognition and gift

-Celebrate individual nurses through your LinkedIn posts, websites and newsletters

-Offer your thanks to all nurses by sharing posts on your social media platforms and website during the week

See this great LinkedIn article for more ideas!

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